
Girls' Night Out

Hey ladies! Yesterday was my best roomie's birthday and us girls got all glammed up and went out on the town! My transitioning process was never more of a pain. Granted, I'm only in the 4th month but I never felt actual pressure to straighten my hair up until yesterday. I had done a bantu knot that Friday night and by Sunday it had already started to straighten in some spots. Things just weren't looking too good for me. In the end, I went with a pinned up puff styled with twists. It was cute and sophisticated and a reminder that there is no aesthetic need for me to straighten my hair. Going through these small trials are making me stronger and more eager to be fully natural. It's a funny thing we transitioners go through, ya know. The hardest part is the beginning when you're completely new to it and then it gets easier. Well, week 18 has arrived but I'm just itchin for week 52! That's all for now ladies...later on sometime I'll be sure to post a few of the pictures that we took. Until next time, happy healthy hair growing!

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