
Sad But True..

I've been wanting to go back to my bantu knots for some time now and up until today, the only thing holding me back was my ridiculous levels of laziness. However, today it dawned on me that putting my bantu knots back would interfere with my megatek regimen and more than likely my moisture and sealing process as well. Since I'm transitioning, my relaxed ends don't behave the same way as my natural roots. I'm afraid that the moisture will ruin the bantu knot out results and make my ends go straight which, believe me, is not cute. At all! So now I need a new straightened regimen. I straighten my hair about once a week but now that I have my silk scarf to tie my hair up, I should be able to stretch that a bit longer. I use two different types of heat protectant, 1. Nexxus heat protexx and 2. Fantasia IC Hair Polisher/Heat Protector/Straightening Spray to try and avoid heat damaged roots. The reason for using two is this: Nexxus is a GREAT heat protectant, smells great and everything but the product is water based. Therefore, I only use it before blowdrying. To blowdry my hair and then turn around and spray a water based product onto it is insane and counter productive. I'd rather not. Instead, I turn to my Fantasia IC Heat Protector when it's time to use my handy dandy Chi flat iron! It smells like watermelon candy (yumm) and works like a charm! Hopefully in taking these measures to protect my hair, I'll keep my hair from getting damaged and will never have to report any bad news! Below are pictures of the products listed in this entry just in case anyone wants to check them out. Until next time, Happy Healthy Hair Growing!

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