
Color Me Bored

Looking at the ladies on youtube and just out and about, I've come to the conclusion that I'm ready for color! The first and last time I dyed my hair was for my senior prom nearly 4 years ago and I'm ready for something new again. I want a honey blonde or some sort of strawberry blonde or something. I don't know, obviously I have very little experience with hair coloring. I do know one thing however, I'm not too sure if I want to dye it now while I'm transitioning. My hair and I are still feeling each other out and I don't want to do anything to make my hair go "Girl, no!" Also, what if the two textures "take" differently. Ehh, I'd rather not take my chances on that! Last time I dyed my hair, my hair barely took. I'll show you all a picture. It wasn't terrible, cause honestly I probably wasn't ready for that kind of change anyways. But now, I'm grown up and I want something else to look at in the mirror. Hmmm, maybe I should just cut and dye and see how the world receives me! LOL, sike. I'm way too much of a punk for that! What do you guys think? And has anyone dyed their hair while transitioning? Am I right to be weary of the outcome? Let me know! Until next time, Happy Healthy Hair Growing!


See, you can't even tell there's anything in it! Also, please excuse my 2007 self..lol. My, how I've changed!

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