
All In Moderation.

Hey dolls! Today I'd like to share a technique that I've been meaning to share with you ladies to all give a try. Have you ever noticed on youtube or other natural hair care sites, a lot of the naturals there talk of how they use massive amounts of conditioner when co-washing in order to get the hair totally saturated? I know I have.

"You're doing entirely too much"-DJ

Frankly, I don't have the money to just go through even ONE bottle of conditioner a week let alone two and three. My solution has been simple. When in the shower, I like to apply a nice amount of conditioner to my soaking wet hair and instead of using goo-gobs more, I use my paddle brush to smooth the already applied conditioner through. Sometimes I do add more to my edges in the back, sides, and front, but for the most part I end up with excess conditioner on my hands. The way I see it, there's only so much that your strands are going to soak up in one sitting, why go adding more and more conditioner on top? Pure waste! If your hair is thicker you may want to use the same technique but in sections. I challenge you all to try this out and see how much less conditioner (or whatever other product this technique could be used for) you're using and how much more money (and time on trips to the BSS) you're saving! Until next time, happy healthy hair growing!

P.S., for anyone who's wondering, yesterday marked my 18th week post relaxer! So if you go by the 4 week=1 month rule, i'm 4.5 months deep but if you're going by dates then i'm 4 months and 4 days deep. That's a huge difference! I think I'll go with the 4.5 month count! lol, makes me feel a little more accomplished!

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