
Sans Scissor Challenge Update

"I am currently fighting relapse!"-DJ

So it's been about 2 months since my last trim and as many of you know I'm supposed to be going for a good 6 months before my next trim. I am a recovering scissor addict but ya'll...I am currently fighting relapse! I don't know what it is, but my ends are just HORRIBLE! Okay okay, so maybe I know what it is...I don't baggy my ends and my hands are pretty much always in my hair. I knoooow..."Bad Donna!" I'm still going for my 6 months but every time I inspect a strand of hair and see my horribly damaged ends I just get the scissor itch! I have included a nifty little chart that identifies the different type of split and damaged ends so that you ladies can be sure to have a head full of healthy hair from root to tip. In case you all don't know the "dangers" of split ends, allow me to break it down. While hair strands do indeed begin in the scalp, the key to length retention is your ends! Hair grows at a rate of about 1/2 inch per month; so if your ends are damaged and breaking at about 1/2"+ every month you will either see no growth or you will notice your length decreasing! I know some of you may be the complete opposite of me and find yourself terrified of scissors and all that they represent but one way or the other damaged ends will contribute to length dwindlement (lol that's so not a word). The choice is yours though. Would you rather cut them bad boys off (and i do mean bad) or allow them to eat their way upward to the healthy part of your hair? Hmm, them scissors aint lookin so bad now, huh? LOL here's that chart I was telling you all about:

Below is a list of ways that you could be damaging your ends:

1. Wrapping your hair
2. Excessive use of heat tools
3. Wearing wool scarves/sweaters
4. Allowing your hair to go dry
5. Use of harsh chemicals (i.e. relaxers, dyes, etc.)
6. Use of shampoo (co-washin is wassup! lol)

*There is no such thing as "repairing" split ends.*

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