
Jump In, Jump Out...Innntroduce Yoself!

Hello all, my name is DonnaJenay, or just Donna. I am a 20 year old college student on the road to naturality! This post will serve as an introduction to get you all more familiar with me and my story. Well let's see..it all started in April when i put a Just For Me in my hair and it broke off terribly. and i was PISSED too cause i had just got it strong and healthy with no breakage...so i had been scared straight...or curly, i should say. i vowed not to put another box perm in my head unless someone else was doing it or i was at the salon. being a broke college student and taking summer classes on my campus about an hour away from home and unable to afford salon prices, i stretched it. my friend told me to look into bantu knots and i did. in my research for those, i ran across a lot of natural women and thus my (conscious) transitioning began sometime in June. I'm super excited and am planning to be in this for the long run!!

"the moment you decide to go natural, 
it's no longer "just hair". it's a topic for debate. 
a political statement. a huge personal decision." -DJ

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